Tuesday, March 31, 2015


This design is for the word active. I had the letters of the word look like they are moving throughout the page. Each letter had its own kind of 3D shape to it. i made one of the words active orange to help standout from the background which is a light shade of blue. the other active word is in yellow to brighten the page and help make that one stand out. The letters are in particular location. I tried to make it look like they are moving across the page. also the font i chose is a font that has a lot of curves so that made me feel like that font can help represent the word active.


In this design i changed the font to Rockwell extra Bold. By doing so i made the word bolder and bigger. i expanded it so it would not fit on the page so I put a clipping mask on it. Next i changed the color of the word to red because the color red makes me think of something bold. i put in a light blue background to make the word stand out more as well as making it somewhat in the center of the page.


This design is for the word stable. the design i made makes me think of the word stable because everything is balanced. when I think of the word stable i think of a balancing scale and the word Stable. so for my design i chose a word font that i think looks stable/balanced. I also made it so that that each of the letters in the word are the same size. Next I made sure to have the word practically centered on the page. the background I made is half white and half black to make it look equal and then i changed half of the letters of the word into either black or white. So if the background is whit the three letters on that side will be black and if the background is black the three letters will be white.

Monday, March 30, 2015


This is what I designed for the word quiet. For the shape I changed the font into a font called chalkboard. By doing so I also decided to have the font sizes change. From the top of the design it goes from a big font and by going down the font as well as the word gets smaller and smaller. I also changed the color of the words as they get smaller. The biggest word has the brightest color tone of white. As it goes down the color tones of white get darker resulting it being a dark grey tone to almost being black. 

The size is another thing I changed in my design. I changed the size by having each of the words 'quiet' be a different size.  In this particular design the word gets smaller and smaller when it is descending down the page. The location of the word changes as well. The first word of Quiet is at the top of page and the smallest 'quiet' is at the bottom of the page. I used a black background to have the words become the focal point as well as to show how that word gets smaller and darker.  

Friday, March 6, 2015


The focal point in this design is also a bird. It stands out biggest it is the biggest object as well as the brightest. Also the opacity of the bird is 100% while the other objects around it is less than 100%. I made the bird the focal point because it represents the act of giving. The bird is basically giving a flower.
This design relates to the theme because when I think of generosity I think of someone giving someone else a flower to make that person happy as well as person that is giving not really expecting to get anything in return. The bird then represents 'giving'.


The focal point in this design is the big letter 'G'. The bigger 'G' is the focal point because it is the biggest object in the design but also because it is the like the brightest. The smaller 'G' in the right hand corner has your eye travel up and see the bigger 'G' but also when looking closer at it you see that there are smaller words in the 'G'.
This relates to the theme generosity because the letter I decided to use is the letter that begins the word 'generosity'. Also that I used a quote that represents what generosity means in the background and in the big letter 'G'. The message is, "The habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return".

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The focal point in the lines design is the bird. The bird is the focal point because it is the brightest object on the page. It stands out basically because of its bright white outline and that the tree as well as the hands are a little bit duller and have a lower opacity. What also makes the bird stand out is the dark background.
The design on this page relates to generosity because of the images. practically all the images on the page are related to the word generosity because it is like the word 'giving' which is a synonym. The hands are placed to look like they are 'giving' something, in this case a tree that is behind the bird that is flying with flowers in its beck to symbolize 'to give'.